
Antoniolupi (IT) 2018

The Rim washbowls, designed for Antoniolupi, are based on a reasoning we did around the edge of the washbasin, trying to create a collection of light washbasins with little material but which were perceived as substantial thanks to the edge that thickens and makes the objects more gentle.
When using the sink it is natural to cling to the edge so we tried to eliminate the sharp edge.

Oval Rim washbowl designed by Debiasi Sandri for Antoniolupi

Rim washbowl sketch by Daniel Debiasi and Federico Sandri

Rim Washbowls designed by Debiasi Sandri for Antoniolupi

Oval Rim washbowl on PantaRei furniture

Interior with Rim washbasins by Debiasi Sandri

Round Rim washbowl by Debiasi Sandri for Antoniolupi

Rim washbowl Detail

Interior with Rim washbowls by Debiasi Sandri for Antoniolupi


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